Occlusion techniques that go beyond philosophy.
Treat the underlying issues, get exceptional outcomes, and increase your production as soon as you return to the practice.


Discover the untapped production potential in every case.
Everyday Occlusion will open your eyes to the dentistry that you’re leaving undone. For too many dentists, occlusion was a topic in dental school based on a rigid philosophy that really doesn't seem to apply to the dentistry you are doing on a daily basis.
This course will teach dentists an array of treatment options that lead to improved outcomes for patients. Forget everything you think you know about occlusion and prepare for a paradigm shift with unlimited possibilities.
A changed dentist speaks for herself.
Thousands of dentists have increased production using our approach to occlusion.

I was blown away!
"Every dentist should start with this course. It has become the foundation to how I approach all my cases and it allowed me to deliver better treatment options while increasing the production in my practice."
Dr. Caitlin Jacquot-Hafner
- attended June 2017
Here's a sneak peek at some of the topics covered.
Strategic occlusion
Different approaches and when to use them.
The pitfalls of under-diagnosis.
Technology-based occlusion tools
- How to accurately measure occlusion forces.
- Incorporating occlusion into case design.
The foundation of large-case dentistry
- How to drastically reduce crown fractures.
Hands-on occlusion demonstration
- Taking effective bites.
Appliance and splint therapy
- Understanding designs, timelines, and objectives.
Large-case segmentation
- Strategies for large-case segmentation.
- Use of transitional appliances.
Predictable bite registration
- Achieving predictable bite registration.
- Using a "living splint" for non-compliant patients.
Case presentation
- How to use occlusion to present value to the patient.