Increase your skills and production in one weekend.
With our step-by-step approach, you can confidently present and do full arch cases the day after you return.


Make your practice the best choice for patients who want life-changing dentistry.
The Over the Shoulder®: Full Arch Reconstruction course is a 2-day seminar providing dentists of all skill levels a predictable approach to full arch dentistry. Dentists will learn proven techniques as they observe a full arch being prepped and bonded. This course covers everything from occlusion management to material selection and post-operative treatment.
One of the most anticipated sections of this course is case presentation. Dr. Downs will show you how to avoid common mistakes and present cases that will have your patients saying “yes” to treatment.
Changed dentists speak for themselves.
We've helped thousands of dentists become proficient in full arch cases.

I'm doing full arch cases.
"Since attending the Full Arch Reconstruction course, I am doing full arch cases on a regular basis, even cases requiring implants. I am doing it comfortably and confidently because of the mentorship of the Dr. Dick Barnes Group and support of Arrowhead Dental Laboratory."
Dr. Gary Plotz
- attended May 2015

Beyond single-tooth dentistry
"The best thing about the Full Arch Reconstruction course is how it helped me move beyond single-tooth dentistry. I am now able to present large cases more confidently and provide outcomes that are really building my reputation."
Dr. Colin Lathrop
- attended May 2016
Here's a sneak peek at some of the topics covered.
Full arch prep demonstration
Watch chairside as a full arch is prepped.
Learn how to temporize a full arch in less than 30 minutes.
Case photography
- How to take photos for better communication with your lab.
- Build your portfolio with before-and after-photos.
Aesthetic material selection
- Materials that optimize appearance and function.
- Using materials to optimize durability and aesthetics.
- Using temporaries as a trial run before the final design.
Occlusal adjustments
- Optimizing preps prior to bonding.
- Effective approaches to adjusting occlusion.
Full arch bonding demonstration
- Error-free bonding with the coordination of assistants and dentists.
- Rapid bonding techniques for large cases.
Large case occlusion considerations
- Case design that optimizes occlusion.
- Avoiding problems that can compromise a case.
Case presentation
- How to effectively present a full arch treatment plan.